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Important Dates

Monday, February 10:

AYF Board Meeting @ The Moose Lodge-5pm

AYF Winter Softball Skills Practice

AYF Winter Softball Skills Practice

Dates: February 1, 8, 15, 22
Time: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Location: Rippleside Gym
Instructor: Sammy Croatt
Cost: Free

Current 2nd and 3rd-grade girls looking for an indoor space to practice their softball skills are invited to join our open gym sessions!


  • Stations will be set up to focus on hitting, throwing, catching, and running skills.
  • Players will work individually or in small groups to build their abilities.
  • Participants should bring their own fielding glove.
  • Fielding masks, bats, and batting helmets will be provided, though players are welcome to bring their own equipment.

Parent Volunteers:
We appreciate parent volunteers willing to help supervise the stations—your support helps make these sessions a success!

Register through Aitkin Community Education to save your spot!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Aitkin Youth Fastpitch

AYF's Mission Statement
We strive to create a developmental youth softball league that fosters love of the game, sportsmanship, teaches fundamentals, and encourages community involvement.

Founded in 2018 the AYF continues to grow and strives to provide a high quality and memorable experience for our girls and families. Starting with just one team and 17 girls in 2018 we have grown to a full program of over 150 girls at 6 different levels. We offer a more casual in-house experience as well as a more competitive travel competition. The key to the program's continued success is our community involvement.  We are a small community and we only have what we choose to make. Join us!

Follow us!

Aitkin Youth Fastpitch

(Summer Softball)

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